Managed Operations FAQ


Are cloud servers PCI-DSS compliant?

The Rackspace Cloud environment has not been formally assessed for for compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS).

For information about PCI-DSS, see Cloud Security Solutions.

For information about PCI-DSS when using Rackspace Dedicated Hosting services, see PCI-Compliant Hosting for E-commerce Websites.

NoSQL Databases

Are NoSQL databases secure, reliable, and scalable?

NoSQL databases offer greater scalability and higher performance than relational databases. In addition, the data model that NoSQL databases use addresses several issues that the relational model is not designed to address. For example, NoSQL databases can store semi-unstructured and unstructured data.

However, to support reliability and security, developers must implement their own code, which makes NoSQL systems more complex. This complexity limits the number of applications that can rely on NoSQL databases for secure and reliable transactions.

Can I use NoSQL databases for all types of applications?

NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications in social media, analytics, and big data. However, relational databases are still preferable for applications that require ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, such as banking applications.

What data security, backup, and recovery work do NoSQL databases require, including database tuning and monitoring?

Because NoSQL databases are decentralized, most have their own automatic backup and recovery processes. By fine-tuning certain database elements such as index use, query structure, data models, system configuration (such as hardware and operating system settings), and application design, you can significantly impact the overall performance of your application.

How do I create databases and objects and read and write data without SQL?

NoSQL databases are designed to enable the insertion of data without a predefined schema. Every NoSQL platform has a unique method of creating databases and objects. While few NoSQL platforms use query languages to build databases and read and write data, some enable users to perform these actions by using Java or Python scripting.

Rackspace Managed Database Services

What do Managed Database Services include?

Managed Database Services offers varying levels of support. The level of support included depends on your service level agreement (SLA).

Under both of the available SLAs, DBAdministrator and DBArchitect, the Managed Databases team maintains the availability and security of your database in accordance with your SLA. We also regularly back up your database, perform required patches at regular intervals, and proactively monitor and respond to alerts.

For information about what each Managed Database Services SLA includes, visit the DBA Services product page. Scroll down to the product category that you want to use (Relational SQL or NoSQL), and click the Troubleshooting tab.

Does Rackspace tune my database?

The level of support included in Managed Database Services depends on your SLA. The DBArchitect SLA for Managed Database Services includes performance tuning and diagnostics. If you're unsure whether your SLA includes database tuning, contact the Managed Operations team for assistance.

What is the cost for Managed Database Services?

For full pricing information for Managed Database Services, visit the DBA Services product page. Scroll down to the product category you want to use (**Relational SQL** or **NoSQL**), and click the **Pricing** tab.


This pricing is for new databases only.

How do I contact the Managed Operations team?

You can contact the Managed Operations team by logging in to the Cloud Control Panel and submitting a ticket or chat request, or by calling 1 800 961 4454.


How do I contact the Managed Operations Team?

You can contact the Managed Operations team via direct chat, a phone call to 1-800-961-4454, or by submitting a ticket online. There are links to all these options on the Control Panel.

As a Rackspace customer, can I link my Managed Services configuration and account to a Cloud Server with Managed Operations Service Level configuration and account?

Yes, the same way you are currently able to link your Managed Services accounts and your cloud accounts.

Is there a cost associated with data migration services?

The Managed Operations team can help you decide if a migration is needed. If it is, the Managed Operations team works with the Rackspace Professional Services team on the migration, or they can recommend a Rackspace Partner. Any work performed by the Rackspace Professional Services team or a partner incurs additional charges.

For more information, see Rackspace Professional Services.

Can I move my servers from my current account to a Managed Operations Service Level account?

If you want Managed Operations Service Level support for a server thatis in your current Managed Infrastructure account, you must migrate that server to a new server within a Managed Operations account. This migration is necessary for the appropriate OS images, patching and updates, and system administration access provisions to deploy on the server. All of these features are necessary for the Managed Operations team to provide you with the highest quality support for your server. The Managed Operations support team helps you find the most efficient and effective way to migrate your Managed Infrastructure server to a Managed Operations Service Level account.

Do I need a separate account for Cloud Servers with a Managed Operations?

Because Rackspace offers the Managed Operations at the account level, every cloud product in the account receives the Managed Operations. Therefore, if you want to have some cloud servers that don't have a Managed Operations and some that do, you need a separate account for the Cloud Servers without Managed Operations. Servers on the other account are at the Managed Infrastructure Service Level.

What is Rackspace Cloud Backup?

Rackspace Cloud Backup is a file-level storage option for Cloud Servers. It lets you configure backups through the Control Panel and choose to back up a particular folder or file with the frequency that works best for you.

For additional information, see the following How-To articles:

Is my Rackspace Cloud Server with a Managed Operations Service Level account automatically backed up?

No, Rackspace does back up your server until you configure and schedule backups.

For a comparison of Cloud Server images and Rackspace Cloud Backup, see Rackspace Cloud Backup vs. Cloud Server Image Backups.

Will Rackspace troubleshoot programming or code for customers?

No. The Managed Infrastructure and Managed Operations Service Level teams do troubleshoot your code or programs.

Will the Rackspace support team automatically scale Cloud Servers if necessary?

Not at this time. However, if you notice issues or have questions about capacity, the Managed Operations team works with you and recommend solutions.

What does a server with Managed Operations Service Level support cost?

See our Cloud Servers Pricing Page for full pricing details.

What does a Managed Operations Service Level account include?

Cloud Servers with a Managed Operations Service Level include access to a dedicated, 24x7x365 support team via phone, chat, and online support ticket. The team supports your servers from the OS up through the application stack of Microsoft SQL Server, .Net/IIS, and the LAMP stack on Linux. Your Cloud Server is regularly patched and updated. Monitoring services are included, with the Managed Operations team proactively responding to any alerts. We monitor up to two user-defined ports as well as user-defined URL content.

Review Rackspace Cloud Backup file-based backup options for details on backup solutions.

What is Cloud Servers with a Managed Operations Service Level?

Cloud Servers with a Managed Operations Service Level extends the enhanced managed support level from our Managed Services offering into our Cloud offering. The Managed Operations Service Level provides an additional level of support that includes monitoring, OS, and application infrastructure layer support, and technical guidance for your Cloud Servers.

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